Creekside Hollow
Mixed-aged mostly Outdoor Preschool, Kindergarten and Summer Camp "Let nature be your teacher" - William Wordsworth
Nurturing the Roots of Future Generations Creekside Hollow is Waldorf inspired, outdoor home - based early childhood program situated on 2 1/2 acres of woodland, field , garden , running creek with farm animals and a garden. Cozy, creative indoor space is available as part of our winter daily rhythm. 12 minutes from downtown Portland and Freeport
Forest Kindergaraten approach -Children
benefit from a healthy relationship with their natural environment in all seasons. Outdoor education enhances physical strength and health,and improves social skils through teamwork and communication. It encourages curiousity and boosts problem solving skills.
Gardening - The children have an active role in the care of the vegetable, flower and herb gardens. Gardening teaches patience and responsibility. It inpsires children to eat their veggies, and enhances fie motor skills. The children feel ownership of their food.
Nature-inspired playground - Besides using nature itself as our play area, we have a nature-inspired playground, sand pit, boat, play structure and and "loose parts" to spark their imagination.
Creek hiking trail - We will explore our magical creek side trail daily, ( except for truly inclement weather) finding play, scientific exploration, nature observations and more along the way.
Warm and bright kitchen playroom - My sunny and spacious kitchen will be our cozy space to play inside, especially during the winter months. We bake, prepare meals and rest inside. And of course, play!
Farm animals -Our daily rhythm includes feeding the chickens, checking for eggs, caring for the goats and moving the bunny to his outdoor playpen. My two cats, Frog and Toad, love to make appearances.
Food- Together we cook and share a nourishing snack and lunch.
Sharing - Children bring sharing food to bring ownership to our home cooked meals. This helps the pickier eaters have something they like.
Self-expression - I strive to nourish self-esteem and creativity, helping the children to shine as they express their unique and beautiful selves. I strive to truly listen and gently nurture their voice.
Community - I hope to create community where we can all support each other through a summer work day, parent evenings and festivals.
Festivals - We come etogether to celebrate seasonal festivals.
Circle time -
The children use their bodies, voices, and song daily during our seasonal circle times. Large and fine motor skills are brought to the children through joyful movement. Repetitive songs and poems alongside full body movements create pre -literacy pathways.
Main Lesson Books - Following Reggio Emilia's philosophy, children dictate their drawings so they can see their words in writing. This brings confidence in having their voices heard.
Arts and Crafts - Children use their own imagination and creativity in process art activities using paint, clay, scissors and glue, beads and more.
Storytelling, puppetry, and theatre - Spoken stories are an integral and quite magical part of my program. I believe storytelling is a healing art. I use many Native American stories, and folk tales from around the world.
Children's literature - I have been collecting children's literature for decades. My books depict beauty, problem-solving and social-emotional learning. I help instill a love of reading through my own books and storytelling. Children also share their own favorite picture books at home.
Holistic Kindergarden-
The kindergarners have a leadership role in the early childhood program, creating high self esteem, building communication skills, modeling play and helping and having community building responsibilities.
Using First Grade Waldorf Curriculum - The alphabet and the 4 number processes are taught through story, sensory experiencies, and the outside world. They make their own beautiful, unique books exploring what they learn.
Nature journals-
Deep nature connection , through all the senses and the many intricasies of our world will be recorded in their nature journals, using dictation, drawings, math, science and curiousity .
Summer Camp -
7 weeks in July and August
4-10 year olds
Week 1 - June 30
Week 2 - full
Week 3 - July 14
Week 4 - July 21
Week 5 - July 28
Week 6 - August 4
Week 7 - August 11
Please email for more information.
Founder, Programs and Philosophy
Rebecca Rusoff Armstrong
With my K-8 Teaching Credential and Waldorf training, I have taught preschool through fourth grade in both public, charter, and private school environments for decades. Each experience has given me more insight into how to help children step strongly into themselves with joy, wonder, self -esteem, love for one another and an excitement to learn about the world we live in. I have blended many pedagogies into my own expression of how to create an environment where children come together, learn from each other's ideas and differences and grow together.
My very own and much loved "Mighty Oak Playgarden" pre-school/kindergarten in Sebastopol, California has been a heartfelt and gratifying experience.. I will always hold the community and children so dear to me.
I feel so lucky to have found land in Cumberland to further realize my dream of having acres in which children experience nature. I am truly grateful to be on the land of the Wabanaki - the land of the Dawn. From old grandfather trees to a running stream, growing our own food, crafting from nature, and experiencing all seasons I seek to bring children closer to nature, and to draw strength from that connection.
I seek to truly see and understand each child and in so doing guide the child to be their best self. I have been developing a kindness leadership curriculum that empowers children through being good to each other, the earth and its animals. When children do good they feel good and its effects are amazing in a group setting. I have witnessed self-confidence , self-esteem blossom , social interactions become easy when children have a deep knowing of how to do good deeds.
Children give me great joy and I am honored to do this work.
Martha Chapman Co-Teacher I have over 15 years of experience educating children in science and enironmental education at nature centers and science museums throughout New England, along with a B.A. in Geology and a M.S. in Environmental Education. I am passionate about inspiring a love of nature in children, through exploration, curiosity and play. I am also an avid outdoor enthusiast. I love to hike, camp, canoe and get outside everyday with my family in the beautiful state of Maine. Educational Programs
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 1:00 , afternoon program until 3 ( after care appropriate for children who are able to sleep or rest with fine motor manipulatives or books quietly for 45 minutes)
A mixed age group for ages 2 1/2 ( toilet trained) - 7. I have homeschooled children through second grade as a part of this program. Years of teaching have shown that all children benefit from experiencing a range of ages, stages, and general diversity. When children experience my curriculum each year, they become more self-confident and ready to share what they know with others. The older children become leaders and role models for the younger children, creating a loving family feeling!
Our daily play-based routine with child-led exploration, seasonal circle times, shared preparation and eating meals, storytime, rest and relaxation, arts and crafts, and more..
Holistic Kindergarten
The kindergarten program will be based on the Waldorf first grade curriculum. The alphabet will be introduced through stories and explored through the senses, as will the numbers and the 4 processes. We will be using "nature journals" - the childre will be tapping into all their senses in nature, drawing, dictating and eventually writing their own observation. They will be both creative and scientific.
The children will compose their own unique thoughts and communicate in their own books. Both mathematical and scientific concepts will be explored through the lense of the journal. They will have pride and ownership of their own work. The children's own curiousity will help form the curriculum.
I will choose stories from around the world, with attention to the morals and values, connection to the Earth, respect and equality.
The daily rhythm of the kindergartners will overlap at meal times and some outdoor free play with the preschoolers. The academics will be on Tuesday - Thursday. 5 days a week is appropriate for all the children, as the daily and seasonal rhythm is beneficial to nurturing the growth of all the chilren.
Teaching Inspirations
I endeavor to truly listen and see each child in my care as it is my goal to help children feel confident, secure, and inspired as they comfortably grow into their bodies and unique selves.
I am currently creating a "kindness leadership" curriculum that empowers children through their acts of being kind to themselves, each - other, and the natural world.
I integrate nature as our best classroom in a Forest Kindergarten approach to early childhood learning.
I incorporate Waldorf-inspired ideas such as natural toys, gentle daily rhythm, circle- times, and storytimes.. My teaching is deeply inspired by Waldorf but not defined by it.
I incorporate Reggio Amelia pedagogical ideas such as child-led learning, an ever-changing arts and crafts area with upcycled materials and "loose ends", beading, collaging, and group art projects, I love to use the children's own language to describe their artwork.
I am studying the art of Guiding Deep Nature Connection
I guide children to feel confident, be good communicators and learn from each other.
My goal is to create a better, more loving, and accepting world.
Early Childhood Daily Rhythm
8:30 Crafts, and cooking
9:30 Circle time
10 Snack time
10:30 Gardening, child-led learning, outdoor exploration, outdoor crafting
11:30- Creekside exploration
Story and breathing techniques/rest
12:30 -Lunch
1 - Pick up
1-1:45 - Nap/ quiet time
1:45 -3 Nap or Indoor or Outdoor small motor time and play time.
- Tuition based 10-month preschool program following the public school calendar.
- 2 day - $600 a month, ( $225 for afternoon care until 3)
- 3 day -$775 a month ($250 for afternoon care until 3)
- 4 day - $875 a month ($275 for aftercnoon care until 3)
- 5 day -$975 a month - no afternoon care on Fridays.
- Work trade options
Parents Say
Rebecca has the rare ability to tailor her approach to each child's individual personality and needs, while maintaining fairness and togetherness in the group. She helps build community among both the children and their families. Her positive influence with the children is evident in their trust and love of her, as well as their interactions with one another. She handles conflict firmly, yet lovingly. Her circle times are pure magic. Sweet smiles, songs, and cooperation leave an observer with hope for the future. -Paula
The diversity of these families was a reflection of the international, religious, cultural, alternative lifestyle, same gender mix of families that comprise West Sonoma county. Rebecca was able to bring all of us together in the spirit of creating accepting, supporting environment allowing the children in the community to fully experience the magic of childhood for which Waldorf early education stands. Parents formed lasting friendships and now there is a formidable Mighty Oak community that remains in Sonoma County. - Anna
From the very beginning it was very clear that Rebecca has created a warm, interconnected community of families who brought their (often multiple) children into her care and stayed connected to her well after the child had graduated. Rebecca was able to bring us all together in the spirit of bringing an accepting, supporting environment allowing the children in the community to fully experience childhood. - Anna
Rebecca embodies the Waldorf early-childhood principles, from the way she set up her beautiful, simple and magical space to the ways she interacted with the children and their families. She met each of my children where they were, really saw their needs and supported them with kindness, care and love. Rebecca is as wonderful with parents as she is with their children. She communicates clearly and naturally - we always felt like her partner, and took every opportunity to soak up her wisdom as an experienced teacher. - Francesca
We had the utter privilege of having her help shape, educate, and nourish the souls of our two daughters, each from the ages 2 years old until recently. The oldest is six (will be seven in October) and the youngest is just shy of 5. I am so grateful we had Rebecca in their early life!
Rebecca held parent evenings and holiday events, and I know each time I walked away feeling inspired and grateful to the part of such well meaning and supportive group of parents.
I simply cannot recommend Rebecca highly enough. She is truly a shining light for any community. Our own family has relocated to Richmond, VA earlier this year and we certainly plan to visit each other in our new homes and stay connected with Rebecca for many years to come.